Mob DropsMob names need to be lowercase (That means no capitals at all), There needs to be a ,
after each entry, except the last one and make sure each entry is surrounded by "
double quotes "
Tip: Dont know what a registry name is or Not sure what a mobs registry name is? Check the debug section right below this one
DebugAt the moment debug only really serves to allow you to see loottable names for mobs.
having trouble with getting mobs to drop loot bags?
Enabled debugmode and when you kill a entity something like this should appear in the debug.log file. Add the full registry name from the first line to the mob drops config.
Blacklist And WhitelistItem and Block names need to be lowercase (That means no capitals at all),
There needs to be a ,
after each entry, except the last one and make sure each entry is surrounded by "
double quotes "
TaglistTags need to be lowercase (That means no capitals at all), There needs to be a ,
after each entry, except the last one and make sure each entry is surrounded by "
double quotes "
. For more information about tags please read This Minecraft Wiki Page .
Mod ListModids need to be lowercase (That means no capitals at all), There needs to be a ,
after each entry, except the last one and make sure each entry is surrounded by "
double quotes "