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Misc Configs#

Stack Size #

When items are dropped the stack size is determined by a random number between the max stack size and 0.

#Maximum possible stack size for dropped items
#Range: 1 ~ 64
stacksize = 15

Drop Amount #

How many items are dropped when a loot bag is used.

#How many items drop when a loot bag is used
#Range: 1 ~ 1000
dropamount = 10

Items in inventory #

Lootbags will now try to place items into your inventory before placing them on the ground unless itemsininventory is set to false.

#Try to place items into inventory before dropping them onto the ground
itemsininventory = true

Mob Drop Configs#

Mob Drops List#

Mob names need to be lowercase (That means no capitals at all), There needs to be a , after each entry, except the last one and make sure each entry is surrounded by " double quotes ".


Tip: unsure of how to find what a mobs registry name is? Check the debug section right below this one. or click on this text

# Mob drops list (Syntax " minecraft or modname : mob registry name ")
mobdropslist = ["minecraft:blaze", "minecraft:cave_spider", "minecraft:creeper", "minecraft:elder_guardian", "minecraft:enderman", "minecraft:endermite", "minecraft:evoker"]

Mobs Drop Chance#

#Loot Bag drop chance from mobs (the higher the number the more common they are)
#Range: 1 ~ 100
dropchance = 10

Debug configs#

Entity Name#

When this option is set to true whenever a mob is killed it will print its registry name to the chat and the latest.log file as well.

#Print mobs registry name to chat and log file when killed
entityname = false

Items Dropped#

When this option is set to true when you use a loot bag everything that is being dropped while be printed to the latest.log file.

#Print list of items dropped to debug.log
itemsdropped = false

Items Dropped Chat#

When this option is set to true when you use a loot bag everything that is being dropped while be printed to the chat.

#Print list of items dropped to the chat
itemsdroppedchat = false

Blacklist And Whitelist#

Item and Block names need to be lowercase (That means no capitals at all), There needs to be a , after each entry, except the last one and make sure each entry is surrounded by " double quotes ".

#BlackList (Syntax "minecraft or modid : item or block name"; example "minecraft:air" or "lootbagmod:lootbag")
blacklist = ["minecraft:air", "minecraft:command_block", "minecraft:structure_block", "minecraft:knowledge_book", "minecraft:chain_command_block", "minecraft:repeating_command_block", "minecraft:barrier", "minecraft:enchanted_book", "minecraft:written_book", "minecraft:potion", "minecraft:splash_potion", "minecraft:lingering_potion", "minecraft:spawn_egg", "minecraft:structure_void", "minecraft:mob_spawner", "minecraft:bedrock"]
#WhiteList Syntax "minecraft or modid : item or block name"; example " minecraft:air " or "lootbagmod:lootbag ")
whitelist = ["minecraft:stone"]

Enable Whitelist#

#Use the whitelist
enablewhitelist = false


Tags need to be lowercase (That means no capitals at all), There needs to be a , after each entry, except the last one and make sure each entry is surrounded by " double quotes ". For more information about tags please read This Minecraft Wiki Page .

#TagList (Syntax "minecraft:tagname" or "forge:tagname"; example "minecraft:planks", "forge:planks")
taglist = ["minecraft:planks", "forge:planks" or "forge:nuggets/iron", "forge:nuggets"]

Mod List#

Modids need to be lowercase (That means no capitals at all), There needs to be a , after each entry, except the last one and make sure each entry is surrounded by " double quotes ".

#Mod blacklist (Syntax " modid ")
modblacklist = ["tconstruct"]